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注射美容: 并发症判断及处理
国际视频: 大体老师面部解剖演示
国际视频: 肉毒素临床案例演示
国际视频: 皮下填充临床案例演示
Introduction to Aesthetics by Dr. Sam Assassa
The Facial Aesthetic Master Program by Dr. Sam Assassa
面部不明注射异物取净技术专题 by 王志军医师
小分子玻尿酸治疗心法与临床经验专题 by 邱军棠医师
M.I.T多层次泪沟注射技术专题 by 黃耀麟医师
S.T.S.™无痕体雕高阶吸脂拉提术专题 by 张高荣医师
YES金字塔注射技術专题 by 彭于宾医师
童颜针與玻尿酸混合临床应用技术专题 by 黄政杰医师
GEC Academy
美国医学美容外科协会(AAAMS) 亚太代表处
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注射美容: 鼻部
注射美容: 唇部
注射美容: 并发症判断及处理
国际视频: 大体老师面部解剖演示
国际视频: 肉毒素临床案例演示
国际视频: 皮下填充临床案例演示
Introduction to Aesthetics by Dr. Sam Assassa
The Facial Aesthetic Master Program by Dr. Sam Assassa
面部不明注射异物取净技术专题 by 王志军医师
小分子玻尿酸治疗心法与临床经验专题 by 邱军棠医师
M.I.T多层次泪沟注射技术专题 by 黃耀麟医师
S.T.S.™无痕体雕高阶吸脂拉提术专题 by 张高荣医师
YES金字塔注射技術专题 by 彭于宾医师
童颜针與玻尿酸混合临床应用技术专题 by 黄政杰医师
GEC Academy
美国医学美容外科协会(AAAMS) 亚太代表处
文献包 - 【泪沟】Tear Trough
第1任务: TT0035-Transconjunctival orbital fat repositioning- Transposition of orbital fat pedicles into a subperiosteal pocket
第2任务: TT0034-Nonsurgical lower eyelid lift
第3任务: TT0033-Treatment of tear trough deformity and lower lid bowing with injectable hyaluronic acid
第4任务: TT0032-The three periorbital hollows- A paradigm for periorbital rejuvenation
第5任务: TT0031-Combined arcus marginalis release, preseptal orbicularis muscle sling, and SOOF plication for midfacial rejuvenation
第6任务: TT0030-The tear “TROUF” procedure- Transconjunctival repositioning of orbital unipedicled fat
第7任务: TT0029-Periorbital rejuvenation
第8任务: TT0028-Redraping the inferior orbicularis arc
第9任务: TT0027-The “centrofacial”approach for correction of facial aging using the transblepharoplasty subperiosteal cheek lift
第10任务: TT0026-Arcus marginalis release and orbital fat preservation in midface rejuvenation
第11任务: TT0011-Tear Trough and Palpebromalar Groove in Young versus Elderly Adults - A Sectional Anatomy Study
第12任务: TT0024-The anatomy of suborbicularis fat- implications for periorbital rejuvenation
第13任务: TT0023-Infraorbital hollow treatment by dermal fillers
第14任务: TT0014-The tear trough and lid cheek junction - anatomy and implications for surgical correction
第15任务: TT0015-The tear trough ligament anatomical basis for the tear trough deformity
第16任务: TT0016-The Tick technique A method to simplify and quantify treatment of the tear trough region
第17任务: TT0017-Treating the tear trough A new classification system a 6-step evaluation procedure, hyaluronic acid injection
第18任务: TT0018-Measurement of the surface tension of tears
第19任务: TT0019-Surgical anatomy of the midcheek- facial layers, spaces, and the midcheek segments
第20任务: TT0020-Filling of the orbital inferior area and nasojugal groove with low concentration hyaluronic acid- a new application
第21任务: TT0021-Facial soft-tissue spaces and retaining ligaments of the midcheek- defining the premaxillary space
第22任务: TT0022-Variable reconstitution of injectable hyaluronic acid with local anesthetic for expanded applications in facial
第23任务: TT0013-The Feasibility Determination of Risky Severe Complications of Arterial Vasculature Regarding the Filler Injection
第24任务: TT0012-Tear Trough Deformity - Review of Anatomy and Treatment Options
第25任务: TT0025-Lymphatic drainage patterns of the human eyelid- assessed by lymphoscintigraphy
第26任务: TT0010-Refinements in Tear Trough Deformity Correction - Intraoral Release of Tear Trough Ligaments
第27任务: TT0009-New Classification System for Tear Trough Deformity
第28任务: TT0008-Hyalurostructure Treatment Superior Clinical Outcome through a New Protocol
第29任务: TT0007-Fat Extrusion and Septal Reset in Patients with the Tear Trough Triad - A Critical Appraisal
第30任务: TT0006-Development and validation of a photonumeric scale for evaluation of infraorbital hollows
第31任务: TT0005-Definitions of groove and hollowness of the infraorbital region and clinical treatment using soft-tissue filler
第32任务: TT0004-Definition of the tear trough and the tear trough rating scale
第33任务: TT0003-Anatomy and nonsurgical correction of the tear trough deformity
第34任务: TT0002-Anatomic guidelines for augmentation of the cheek and infraorbital hollow
第35任务: TT0001-A New Technique for the Correction of Tear Trough Deformity via Filler Injections
第36任务: TT0041-What causes eyelid bags Analysis of 114 consecutive patients
第37任务: TT0040-Eyelid aging- the historical evolution of its management
第38任务: TT0039-The concentric malar lift- malar and lower eyelid rejuvenation
第39任务: TT0038-Surgical anatomy of the ligamentous attachments of the lower lid and lateral canthus
第40任务: TT0037-Hyaluronic acid injections for correction of the tear trough deformity
第41任务: TT0036-Technique issues in nonsurgical filling of the periorbital hollows
第42任务: TT0060-The role of gravity in periorbital and midfacial aging
第43任务: TT0059-Treatment of venous infraorbital dark circles using a long-pulsed 1,064-nm neodymium-doped yttrium aluminum
第44任务: TT0058-Periocular rejuvenation- lower eyelid blepharoplasty with fat repositioning and the suborbicularis oculi fat
第45任务: TT0057-Safety and efficacy of ulthera in the rejuvenation of aging lower eyelids- a pivotal clinical trial
第46任务: TT0056-Autologous fat transfer for periorbital rejuvenation- indications, technique, and complications
第47任务: TT0055-Rejuvenation of the periorbital complex with autologous fat transfer- current therapy
第48任务: TT0054-Treatment of the tear trough deformity with hyaluronic acid
第49任务: TT0053-Calcium hydroxyl-apatite (Radiesse) for the correction of periorbital hollows, dark circles, and lower eyelid bags
第50任务: TT0052-Three-dimensional topographic surface changes in response to compartmental volumization of the medial cheek
第51任务: TT0051-Midface- clinical anatomy and regional approaches with injectable fillers
第52任务: TT0050-Age-related changes of the orbit and midcheek and the implications for facial rejuvenation
第53任务: TT0049-Observations on periorbital and midface aging
第54任务: TT0048-Defining the tear trough
第55任务: TT0047-New anatomical insights on the course and branching patterns of the facial artery- Clinical implications of
第56任务: TT0046-Origin of the lower orbicularis oculi muscle in relation to the nasojugal groove
第57任务: TT0045-Surgical anatomy of the midcheek and malar mounds
第58任务: TT0044-Eponym of naso-jugal fold and tear trough
第59任务: TT0043-Fat repositioning in lower blepharoplasty to maintain infraorbital rim contour
第60任务: TT0042-The fat pearl graft in ophthalmic plastic surgery- everyone wants to be a donor!
第61任务: TT0073-Importance of fat conservation in lower blepharoplasty
第62任务: TT0072-The sliding fat pad technique with use of the transconjunctival approach
第63任务: TT0071-Fat repositioning in lower eyelid blepharoplasty
第64任务: TT0070-Skin-muscle flap lower lid blepharoplasty- An easier dissection
第65任务: TT0069-Septo-orbitoperiostoplasty for the treatment of palpebral bags- A 10-year experience
第66任务: TT0068-Lower eyelid hernia repair for palpebral bags- A comparative study
第67任务: TT0067-Correction of true periorbital fat herniation in cosmetic lower lid blepharoplasty
第68任务: TT0066-Orbital septorhaphy for the correction of baggy upper and lower eyelids
第69任务: TT0065-Reduction of lower palpebral bulge by plicating attenuated orbital septa- A technical modification in
第70任务: TT0064-A new concept in blepharoplasty
第71任务: TT0063-A new technique for the treatment of palpebral bags
第72任务: TT0062-Anatomy, pathophysiology, and prevention of senile enophthalmia and associated herniated lower eyelid fat pads
第73任务: TT0061-The zygorbicular dissection in composite rhytidectomy- An ideal midface plane
第74任务: TT0093-Anatomy of a “black eye”- a newly described fascial system of the lower eyelid
第75任务: TT0092-The retaining ligaments of the cheek
第76任务: TT0091-The orbicularis retaining ligament of the medial orbit- closing the circle
第77任务: TT0090-Primary transcutaneous lower blepharoplasty with routine lateral canthal support- a comprehensive 10-year review
第78任务: TT0089-Repositioning the orbicularis oculi muscle in the composite rhytidectomy
第79任务: TT0088-Transconjunctival orbital fat repositioning for tear trough deformity in young Asians
第80任务: TT0087-Lower blepharoplasty- Transconjunctival fat repositioning
第81任务: TT0086-Correction of nasojugal groove with tunnelled fat graft
第82任务: TT0085-Correction of tear trough deformity with novel porcine collagen dermal filler
第83任务: TT0084-Evolution of technique of the direct transblepharoplasty approach for the correction of lower lid and midfacial aging
第84任务: TT0083-Location and nature of retro-orbicularis oculus fat and suborbicularis oculi fat
第85任务: TT0082-The suborbicularis oculi fat pads- An anatomic and clinical study
第86任务: TT0081-Surgical anatomy of the ligamentous attachments of the lower lid and lateral canthus
第87任务: TT0080-Relations of the superficial musculoaponeurotic system to the orbit and characterization of the orbitomalar ligament
第88任务: TT0079-Global, 3-dimensional approach to natural rejuvenation Part 1—Recommendations for volume restoration and the
第89任务: TT0078-Filling the periorbital hollows with hyaluronic acid gel- Initial experience with 244 injections
第90任务: TT0077-Periorbital contour abnormalities- Hollow eye ring management with hyalurostructure
第91任务: TT0076-Oculofacial contour asymmetries- Management of combined treatment with hyalurostructure and botulinum toxin injection
第92任务: TT0075-The prevention and treatment of lower lid ectropion following blepharoplasty
第93任务: TT0074-Orbital fat preservation in lower-lid blepharoplasty
第94任务: TT0094-Surgical anatomy of the ligamentous attachments in the temple and periorbital regions
第95任务: TT0114-The anatomy of the palpebral branch of the infraorbital artery relating to midface lift
第96任务: TT0113-Hyaluronic acid filler injections for tear-trough deformity- Injection technique and high-frequency ultrasound
第97任务: TT0112-Evolving minimally invasive techniques for tear trough enhancement
第98任务: TT0111-Topographical anatomy of the transverse facial artery
第99任务: TT0109-Alloplastic contouring for suborbital, maxillary, zygomatic deficiencies
第100任务: TT0108-Periorbital skeletal augmentation to improve blepharoplasty and midfacial results
第101任务: TT0107-Infraorbital rim augmentation
第102任务: TT0106-Aging of the midface bony elements- a three-dimensional computed tomographic study
第103任务: TT0105-Changes in ocular globe-to-orbital rim position with age- implications for aesthetic blepharoplasty of the
第104任务: TT0104-Volume correction for nasojugal groove with blepharoplasty
第105任务: TT0103-An integrated approach to lower blepharoplasty
第106任务: TT0102-The five-step lower blepharoplasty- blending the eyelid-cheek junction
第107任务: TT0101-Discussion- Lower lid deformity secondary to autogenous fat transfer- a cautionary tale
第108任务: TT0100-Lower lid deformity secondary to autogenous fat transfer- a cautionary tale
第109任务: TT0099-Use of hyaluronic acid filler for tear-trough rejuvenation as an alternative to lower eyelid surgery
第110任务: TT0098-Quantitative evaluation of volume augmentation in the tear trough with a hyaluronic acid-based filler
第111任务: TT0097-The use of a contact cooling device to reduce pain and ecchymosis associated with dermal filler injections
第112任务: TT0096-The three periorbital hollows- a paradigm for periorbital rejuvenation
第113任务: TT0095-Surgical anatomy of retaining ligaments in the periorbital area
第114任务: TT0134-Filling the periorbital hollows with hyaluronic acid gel- long‐term review of outcomes and complications
第115任务: TT0133-Tear trough rejuvenation- a safety evaluation of the treatment by a semi‐cross‐linked hyaluronic acid filler
第116任务: TT0132-Late presentation of enlarging lower eyelid mass and muscle degeneration secondary to hyaluronic acid filler
第117任务: TT0131-Diplopia after hyaluronic acid gel injection for correction of facial tear trough deformity
第118任务: TT0130-Rejuvenation effects of hyaluronic acid injection on nasojugal groove- prospective randomized split face clinical
第119任务: TT0129-Extended transconjunctival lower eyelid blepharoplasty with release of the tear trough ligament and fat
第120任务: TT0128-Tear trough deformity- different types of anatomy and treatment options
第121任务: TT0127-Physiological and lifestyle factors contributing to risk and severity of peri‐orbital dark circles in the Brazilian
第122任务: TT0126-Aging of the bony orbit- A three-dimensional computed tomographic study
第123任务: TT0125-Rejuvenation of the midface
第124任务: TT0124-Periorbital rejuvenation combining fat grafting and blepharoplasties
第125任务: TT0123-Transconjunctival lower eyelid blepharoplasty- Technique and complications
第126任务: TT0122-Periorbital rejuvenation in composite rhytidectomy
第127任务: TT0121-Transorbital lower-lid and midface rejuvenation
第128任务: TT0120-The role of the septal reset in creating a youthful eyelid-cheek complex in facial rejuvenation
第129任务: TT0119-The malar septum- The anatomic basis of malar mounds and malar edema
第130任务: TT0118-Estimation of bony orbit depth for optimal selection of the injection technique to correct the tear trough and
第131任务: TT0117-Morphological parameters of the periorbital arterial arcades and potential clinical significance based on anatomical
第132任务: TT0116-Verification of embolic channel causing blindness following filler injection
第133任务: TT0115-The facial artery-The main blood vessel for the anterior face
第134任务: TT0135-Evaluation and Treatment of the Tear Trough Deformity in Lower Blepharoplasty
第135任务: TT0136-Deep-Fill Hyaluronic Acid for the Temporary Treatment of the Naso-Jugal Groove- A Report of 303 Consecutive Treatments