Editors: Yong-Kwang Tay, Yuin-Chew Chan

Format: Hardback | 156 pages
Dimensions: 218.44 x 279.4 x 15.24mm | 748.43g
Publication date: 11 Apr 2011


Laser has been used in dermatology for over four decades. The concept of selective photothermolysis has transformed our understanding of laser tissue interactions, and there has been an explosive interest in laser treatment for both skin diseases and aesthetic indications over the past decade or more.

Asian skin differs from Caucasian skin because of the higher amount of epidermal melanosomes and the higher level of melanin production. Laser- and light-based procedures in darker skin types have a significantly higher risk of complications, including scarring and pigmentary changes as compared with lighter skin types. This book has been highly anticipated as there are not many titles addressing these issues in Asian skin. It includes effective treatment paradigms as well as advice on complications and how to treat them. The book reflects the tremendous progress in the field of laser dermatology. The contributors to this textbook are clinicians with extensive experience in treating Asian skin. The book offers a comprehensive guide to treatment of Asian skin and will be of great value to dermatologists, plastic surgeons, pediatricians and general practitioners, who will benefit from the clinical wisdom that has been distilled from the extensive experience of the editors and contributors.

Table of Content

Laser and Light-Tissue Interactions (M Ee)

Laser Safety (S-N Wong)

Carbon Dioxide Laser Surgery in the Asian Skin (C Kwok)

Vascular Lasers in the Asian Skin (Y-C Chan)

Treatment of Pigmented Lesions in the Asian Skin (Y-K Tay)

Laser Treatment of Tattoos (E Tan)

Laser Hair Removal in the Asian Skin (R S-P Lim)

Ablative Laser Resurfacing in the Asian Skin (C-L Goh)

Nonablative Laser Photorejuvenation in the Asian Skin (Por-Ang)

Fractionated Lasers in the Asian Skin (S-H Chua)

Intense Pulsed Light Devices in the Asian Skin (J T-E Lim)

Photodynamic Therapy in the Asian Skin (C T-S Theng)



● Amazon: https://amzn.to/35AxxY5

● Bookdepository: https://bit.ly/2rRyr47