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 Author: Sureyya Seneldir
 Format: Hardback | 771 pages
 Dimensions: 210 x 279mm
 Publication: date 22 Jul 2021



  • Pursues an innovative problem-based approach 
  • Supports rapid retrieval of up-to-date information through pre-, peri-, and postoperative images and step-by-step instructions
  • Supports easy access to  information through a didactic approach and a user-friendly layout
  • Offers readers access to high resolution videos with an Augmented Realty Application

   This atlas pursues a problem-based rather than solely technique-oriented approach. Instead of focusing on open or  closed rhinoplasty, it compares the relative merits of both approaches for specific anatomical problems and surgical  techniques.

   The book incorporates a wealth of pre-,  peri-,  and postoperative images as well as short- and long-term  results.Readers are not only introduced to ideal surgical outcomes and successful results; the author also shares his  hands-on experience in revision cases.

   The chapters are clearly structured, and each explores a particular problem by giving an overview of the pathology  and then offering possible solutions in a step-by-step approach. Individual chapters describe conditions of the radix, the  dorsum, and the nasal tip and address technical questions like the indications for osteotomy and dorsum preservation.  All these topics are accompanied by HD video clips using state-of-the-art Augmented Reality technology.

   Plastic surgeons and ENT doctors can directly and easily see the implications for their own clinical practice. As  such, this book is not only a valuable addition to surgeons' bookshelves, but also offers direct support in the operating  theatre.


 Table of Content

 How can we do Osteotomy?
 Dorsum Preservation
 Nasal Tip
 Additional Information on Rhinoplasty



 ● Amazon:https://amzn.to/3eAJqDc

 ● Bookdepository:https://bit.ly/2RcTpX9

 ● Springer:https://bit.ly/3aPklTR